Saturday, November 7, 2009

1st week @ new workplace!

Whenever we enter a new place, we feel somewhat weird and out of place. We hardly know anyone and have a lil fear in our minds. Fear related to adjustment, cooperation from others and making mistakes. But this new place of mine was different.
The first day I enter my new workplace, I met two people whom I already knew, started getting a great deal of respect from the people there and started enjoying from the very first minute. The two people I am talking about...are the ones whom I met during the recruitment procedure at that place. We had met 3-4 times before our first day of joining, but none of us knew who else would be joining with them. We see each other there, and a long sigh comes from each of us! A sigh of relief, a sigh of happiness that clearly showed that all three of us were initially feeling out of place and lonely, but now the feeling had changed.
Then, whatever procedure is followed with a new employee, all three of us went through it together. Same experiences from the very first moment, resulted in a relationship called 'Friendship'.
I am glad I made 2 good friends at my new workplace already. I do not have to stick to some group of friends and be over friendly with them so as to adjust in the new working environment. That was such a relief. And the best part...these 2 friends of mine are of my age, and somewhat like me. So, we could get along well.
Then comes the work part. If you give your 100% to a job, you are bound to excel in it. I had heard this somewhere. And hence started implementing it. Well...till now..the implementation is in process, so I cannot claim that I have excelled in my work. But surely will get to know soon about the results of the hardwork that I am putting in.
All in all..had a great week..enjoyed every bit of it! Hope to be in the same kinda environment in the coming years.